
¿Cuándo es Semana Santa 2025? Descubre la fecha.

Este artículo fue publicado por el autor Editores el 09/02/2025 y actualizado el 09/02/2025. Esta en la categoria Artículos.

Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is a significant religious event in the Christian calendar. It commemorates the last days of Jesus Christ's life, his crucifixion, and resurrection. Many people worldwide observe this week with processions, prayers, and other religious activities. If you are wondering, "¿Cuándo es Semana Santa 2025?" then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the date of Semana Santa 2025 and delve into its significance.

¿Cuándo es Semana Santa 2025?

Determining the date of Semana Santa is not a simple task, as it depends on the lunar calendar. The Easter computation, also known as the computus, is used to calculate the date of Easter Sunday, and consequently, the date of Semana Santa. The computus takes into account various factors such as the spring equinox, the full moon, and the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

After doing the calculations, Semana Santa 2025 will start on March 22 and end on March 30. This year, Palm Sunday, the beginning of Semana Santa, will be on March 22, while Easter Sunday, the end of Semana Santa, will be on March 30.

Significance of Semana Santa

Semana Santa commemorates the last week of Jesus Christ's life, leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection. Each day of Semana Santa has a different significance, with its own set of religious activities and traditions.

The first day of Semana Santa is Palm Sunday, which marks Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem. According to the Gospels, people laid palm leaves on the road as a sign of respect. This day is celebrated with processions and the blessing of palm leaves.

The second day is Holy Monday, which commemorates Jesus' cursing of the fig tree and his cleansing of the Temple. The fig tree symbolizes the religious leaders' lack of faith, while the cleansing of the Temple symbolizes the purification of the faith.

Holy Tuesday, the third day, focuses on Jesus' preaching and teaching in the Temple. He denounced the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Sadducees and predicted the destruction of the Temple.

On Holy Wednesday, Jesus had his last supper with his disciples. This meal marks the beginning of the Eucharist, and Judas' betrayal of Jesus is also depicted.

Maundy Thursday, the fifth day, marks the institution of the sacraments of the Eucharist and holy orders. This day also commemorates Jesus' arrest, trial, and suffering.

Good Friday, the sixth day, is the day of Jesus' crucifixion, death, and burial. This solemn day is marked by processions, prayers, and vigils.

Holy Saturday, the seventh day, is a day of quiet reflection and contemplation, as it marks the period between Jesus' death and resurrection.

Easter Sunday, the last day, is the day of Jesus' resurrection, symbolizing new life and hope. This day is celebrated with joy, processions, and mass.


Semana Santa is a significant religious event in the Christian calendar that commemorates the last week of Jesus Christ's life. This year, Semana Santa 2025 will start on March 22 and end on March 30. Each day of Semana Santa has its own significance, with different religious activities and traditions. So, whether you are a practicing Christian or simply interested in the history and meaning of this holiday, Semana Santa offers an opportunity for reflection and contemplation.


¿Qué es Semana Santa?

Semana Santa is the Christian holy week that commemorates the last days of Jesus Christ's life, leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection.

¿Cuándo es Semana Santa 2025?

Semana Santa 2025 will start on March 22 and end on March 30.

¿Por qué se llama Semana Santa?

Semana Santa is called "holy week" because it commemorates the last week of Jesus Christ's life, which is considered sacred in the Christian faith.

¿Qué se celebra cada día de Semana Santa?

Each day of Semana Santa has its own significance, with different religious activities and traditions. For example, Palm Sunday marks Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem, Holy Monday commemorates Jesus' cursing of the fig tree and his cleansing of the Temple, and Holy Wednesday marks Jesus' last supper with his disciples.

¿Qué significa Semana Santa en el cristianismo?

Semana Santa is a significant religious event in the Christian calendar that commemorates the last week of Jesus Christ's life, leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection. It represents the Christian belief in new life and hope, as well as the redemption and salvation of humankind through Jesus Christ's sacrifice.


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